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Stay Injury Free Next Marathon: A Strength Circuit for Runners in a Speed Block

Writer's picture: Marie WhittMarie Whitt

This strength circuit is for the new to veteran marathoners who are determined to stay injury free through their next training cycle.

Summer speed and endurance blocks just have that feeling of potential.

Working on new skills.

Unlocking new speed.

Building a strong base before the serious race prep and focus begin.

This is also an EXCELLENT time to continue working on your strength base.

record scratch

I know; you're focused on running.

But let me tell you a BIG SECRET.

A LOT of runners either get injured here.
Or set themselves up for injury right now, chasing and building speed.


you don't get to run fast. You earn the right to.

Let's say you wanting to run fast is like you wanting a faster car.

Changing the color of the car or adding flames to it (unfortunately) doesn't change how fast the car will go.

But, building a bigger engine or dropping in a V8...

oooohh yeaaahh.

Now we're talking.

HOW YOU build a bigger engine capable of handling faster paces:

  • working on a solid aerobic base (think easy miles 80% of the time)

  • speed sessions (tempos, track repeats etc. 20% of the time)

  • lifting heavy and building stronger muscles capable of handling the load and impact of the running workouts in the previous two bullet points.

MY POINT: don't be afraid making your strength training spicy right now while your running is equally spicy and fast.

As a runner, you always need your strength training to complement the purpose of your running.

And now, is a great time to practice.

Let's hop in.

Injury-Proofing Strength Circuit for Runners Who Want to Run Fast

Circuit 1: heavy weights

EMOM 10 min: Bulgarian Split Squat

  • 5 Reps on L; 5 Reps on R every minute; rest the remainder of the minute

Circuit 2: Super Set: 3-4 sets

 medium-heavy weights

Elevated Single Leg Bridge with Weight Overhead

  • 8 Reps ea leg X medium-heavy weight

Bench Step Up

  • 8 Reps ea leg X emphasis on control stepping DOWN!

Speed Block Strength Training for Runners

EMOM 10 min: Bulgarian Split Squat

  • Rule #1: DON'T FREAK OUT.

  • TOP TIP: this isn't nearly as bad as it sounds. The beauty this particular EMOM ("every minute, on the minute") is that the reps are looooow on purpose.

  • This encourages you to lift heavy for a very short period of time! And then forces you to REST! No making this strength circuit another speed workout.

  • What's also cool: it's literally only 10mins. You can do this watching Netflix. At home. But also, bulgarian split squats are an amazing exercise that requires relatively little equipment while looking like running, strengthening your quads, glutes, and knee-tendons to help you avoid speed related injuries like runner's knee.

SUPER SET Exercise No 1: Elevated bridge with Weight Overhead

  • if you've been around here for a hot minute, then you already know this exercise...

  • QUICK REFRESHER: it looks like running, on your back, directly working your hamstrings and core in a position that replicates your elongated stride. It's mega-important to build strength in positions like these to avoid the injuries that happen here too!

  • BUT WHAT IS A SUPER SET: simply 2 exercises done back-to-back. Here, I've paired two exercises are "opposites" of each other. The bridge works your hamstrings; the step ups target your quads. why this matters...

SUPER SET Exercise No 2: Bench Step Ups

  • Emphasis here is on CONTROLING that descent!

  • THIS MATTERS BECAUSE: during your stride, but especially when you run FAST, your hamstrings and quads work "opposite" of one another. Meaning, when one contracts, the other naturally relaxes. Targeting these two "partner" muscles gives your body a preview of what training is to come and gives it the opportunity to build the strength needed to conquer any speed challenge your throw at it.

  • WHY THE DESCENT? we all know the "up-stride" is the money shot in race photos. But not here.

    • Experiment: do 4 regular step ups. Now do the remaining 4 on the same leg but while thinking about the cue: "step down softly". Do you feel the difference?

  • Controlling the descent of the step down matters just as much if not more than the "up-stride" part because we're working what's called eccentric control of your quad muscles which is responsible for avoiding knee injuries now during your speed block and later during marathon training.


I genuinely hoped you loved this blog and video as much as I did....

It was different.

and spicy.

and challenging!

And most importantly, I don't want you to shy away from different ways of strength training.

They can go a long way to making things feel:



and engaging.

Not to mention, with these, each circuit takes 10mins.


20mins in and done.

Keep your hard days hard and spicy.

If you're looking for more ways to level up your strength training this summer, take my FREE 14 Day STRONGER RUNNER Challenge!

Until next time...

Dare to Train Differently,

Marie Whitt, PT, DPT //

P.S. no, really. A FREE, 2 week strength plan for runners! you can grab that HERE!

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